Herpetofauna von Moldavien
Literaturliste, Herpetofauna und Lebensräume der Republik Moldau
- Borkin, L. I., Litvinchuk, S. N. & J. M. Rosanov (1997): Amphibians and Reptiles of Moldavia: Additions and Corrections, with a List of Species. – Russian Journal of Herpetology, 4(1): 50-62.
- Ganya, I. M. (Ed.) (1981): Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles. – Ser. Moldavian Fauna, Shtiintsa, Kishinev, p.?? (in Russisch).
- Kozar, F. V. (1987): Protection of amphibians and reptiles in reserves of Moldavia. – pp. 80-85 in: Darevsky, I. S. & V. G. Krever (Eds.): Amphibians and Reptiles of Protected Territories. – TsNIL Glavokhoty RSFSR, Moscow (in Russisch).
- Popa, L. L., & V. E. Tofan (1982): Amphibians and Reptiles of Moldavia: A Guide Book. – Kartea Moldoveneasce, Kishinev, p.?? (in Russisch).

Pelobates fuscus fuscus, Weibchen, Umgebung Tiraspol, Raionul Tiraspol, Republica Moldovenească Nistreană, 12.05.2007, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Bufo bufo, Laptura See (abgeschnittene Flussschleife des Nistru), nordwestlich Cremenciug, Raionul Căuşeni, Republica Moldovenească Nistreană, 12.05.2007, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Pelophylax kl. esculentus, Umgebung Tiraspol, Raionul Tiraspol, Republica Moldovenească Nistreană, 12.05.2007, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Pelophylax ridibundus, Umgebung Tiraspol, Raionul Tiraspol, Republica Moldovenească Nistreană, 12.05.2007, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Rana dalmatina, Umgebung Oknitsa, Raion Dondiushany, Republica Moldovenească Nistreană, 12.05.2007, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.