Herpetofauna von Russland
Literaturliste, Herpetofauna und Lebensräume der Russischen Förderation
- Ananjeva, N. B., Orlov, N. L., Khalikov, R. G., Darevsky,I. S., Ryabov, I. S. & A. V. Barabanov (2006): An Atlas of the Reptiles of North Eurasia.Taxonomic Diversity, Distribution, Conservation Status. – Pensoft Series Faunistica No. 47, Pensoft, Sofia, Moskova, 256 p.
- Ananjeva, N. B., Orlov, N. L., Khalikov, R. G., Darevsky, I. S., Ryabov S. A. & A. V. Barabanov (2004): Colored Atlas of the Reptiles of the North Eurasia (Taxonomic Diversity, Distribution, Conservation Status). – Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sankt-Peterburg, 230 p. (in Russisch).
- Ananjeva, N. B., Borkin, L. J., Darevsky, I. S. & N. L. Orlov (1998): Amphibien und Reptilien. Enzyklopädie der Natur Russlands. – ABF, Moskwa, 574 p. (in Russisch).
- Ananjeva, N. B., Tuniyev, B. S. & N. L. Orlov (2009): Reasessment of the IUCN Red List for Amphibians and Reptiles of the Caucasus. – pp. 131-136 in: Zazanashvili, N. & D. Mallon (Eds.): Status and Protection of Globally Threatened Species in the Caucasus. CEPF Biodiversity Investmens in the Caucasus Hotspot 2004-2009. – Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund & WWF, Designe and Printing Contour Ltd., Tbilisi, Georgia.
- Anufriev, V. M. & A. V. Bobrezov (1996): Fauna des Europäischen Nord-Ostens von Russland: Amphibien und Reptilien. – Band IV, Verlag Nauka, Sankt-Peterburg, 131 p. (in Russisch).
- Bannikov, A. G., Darevsky, I. S., Isčenko, W. G., Rustamov, A. K. & N. N. Sčerbak (1977): Bestimmungsbuch der Amphibien und Reptilien der UdSSR. – Verlag Proswestschenie, Moskwa, 414 p. (in Russisch).
- Belik, V. P. (2010): On the Amphibian Fauna and Ecology in the steppe Part oft he Don Basin. – Sovremennaja Gerpetologia, 10(3/4): 89-100
(in Russisch mit Englischer Summary). - Bobrov, V. V. & A. A. Warshawsky (2011): Biodiversity of Amphibians of Fauna of Russia. – pp. 31-35 in: Ananjeva, N. B., Borkin, L. J., Danilov, I. G., Doronin, I. V., Dunayev, E. A., Ischenko, V. G., Korosov, A. V., Kuranova, V. N., Lada, G. A., Litvinchuk, S. N., Orlov, N. L., Orlova, V. F., Zamaletdinov, R. I., Tuniyev, B. S., Khalikov, R. G. & A. Yu. Tsellarius (Eds.): The Problems of Herpetology. – Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Nikolsky Herpetological Society 12-17 October 2009, Kazan. – Saint-Petersburg (in Russisch mit Englischer Summary).
- Bolschakov, V. N. & V. L. Verschinin (2005): Amphibien und Reptilien des Mittleren Urals. – NISO RIO UrO RAN N° 39(04), Jekaterinburg, 124 p. (in Russisch).
- Borkin, L. J. & I. S. Darevsky (1987): A list of amphibians and reptiles oft he USSR. – pp. 128-141 in: Darevsky, I. S. & V. G. Krever (Eds.): Amphibians and Reptiles of protected Territories. – TsNIL Glavokhoty RSFSR, Moscow (in Russisch).
- Copplestone, D., Koulikov, A. O. & D. V. Semenov (2005): Radionuclide Concentrations in Reptilians on Some Polluted Territories of Russia. – Russian Journal of Herpetology, 12(2): 83-86.
- Darevsky, I. S. (1975): Rare and endangered amphibian and reptile species of Transcaucasia. – pp. 22-24 in: (Ed.?): Fauna I Ee Okhrana v Respublikakh Zakavkazya, Erevan (in Russisch).
- Darevsky, I. S. (1979): Present status of the problem of protection of rare and endangered amphibian and reptile species of Caucasus. – pp. ? in: (Ed.?): Materialy Plenuma Nauchnogo Soveta po Probleme “Biologicheskie Osnovy Osvoenia, Rekonstruktsii I Okhrany Zhivotnogo Mira”, Tbilisi (in Rusisch).
- Darevsky, I. S. & V. G. Krever (Eds.) (1987): Amphibians and Reptiles of protected Territories. – TsNIL Glavokhoty RSFSR, Moscow, ? p. (in Russisch).
- Doronin, I. V. (2008): Data on the distribution of rare Amphibians and Reptiles of the West Caucasus and Praecaucasus. – pp. 105-111 in: Ananjeva, N. B., Danilov, I. G., Dunayev, E. A., Ishchenko, V. G., Lada, G. A., Litvinchuk, S. N., Orlova, V. F., Smirina, E. M., Tuniyev, B. S. & R. G. Khalikov (Eds.): The Problems of Herpetology. – Proceedings of the 3th Meeting of the Nikolsky Herpetological Society 9-13 October 2006, Putschino (in Russisch, mit Englischer Summary).
- Doronin, I. V. (2013): The Analysis of distribution of Rock Lizards of Darevskia (Caucasica) complex (using the MAXENT program). – pp. 81-85 in: Ananjeva, N. B., Syromyatnikova, E. V. & I. V. Doronin (Eds.): Modern herpetology: problems and ways of their solutions. – Collection of papers of the First International Conference of the Young Herpetologists of Russia and neighboring countries (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 25–27 November 2013). – Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institut & A. M. Nikolsky Herpetological Society, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia (in Russisch mit Englischer Summary).
- Dunajev, J. A. & V. F. Orlova (2012): Amphibien und Reptilien Russlands. Atlas, Bestimmung. – Verlag Fiton+, Moskwa, 319 p. (in Russisch).
- Garanin, V. I. (1983): Amphibians and Reptiles of Volzhsko-Kaminskii Region. – Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 175 p. (in Russisch).
- Goncharov, A. G. (2013): About distribution of Lizards (Sauria) in Central black-soil Region. – pp. 72-76 in: Ananjeva, N. B., Syromyatnikova, E. V. & I. V. Doronin (Eds.): Modern herpetology: problems and ways of their solutions. – Collection of papers of the First International Conference of the Young Herpetologists of Russia and neighboring countries (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 25–27 November 2013). – Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institut & A. M. Nikolsky
Herpetological Society, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia. - Guskov, E. P., Lukina, G. P. & V. A. Koneva (1983): Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Rostov Province. – Rostov University Publishers, Rostov-.nad Donu, 50 p. (in Russisch).
- Karnaukhov, A. D. (1987): Amphibian and reptile fauna of Chechen-Ingush ASSR. – pp. 39-58 in: (Ed. ?): Problemy Regionalnoi Fauny i Ekologii Zhivotnykh, Stavropol (in Russisch).
- Kuzmin, S. L. (1994): The problem of declining amphibian populations in the Commonwelth of Independent States and adjacent territories. – Alytes, International Journal of Batrachology, 12(3): 55-66.
- Kuzmin, S. L. (1995): Die Amphibien Rußlands und angrenzender Gebiete. – Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei Band 672, Westarp Wissenschaften, Magdeburg, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin, Oxford, 274 p.
- Kuzmin, S. L. (1999): The Amphibians of the former Soviet Union. – First Edition, Pensoft Series Faunistica No. 12, Pensoft, Sofia, Moscow, 538 p.
- Kuzmin, S. L. (2013): The Amphibians of the former Soviet Union. – Revised Second Edition, Pensoft Series Faunistica No. 107, Pensoft, Sofia, Moscow, 384 p. + DVD.
- Kuzmin, S. L., Bobrov, V. V. & E. A. Dunaev (1996): Amphibians of Moscow Province: distribution, ecology, and conservation. – Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie, 3(1/2): 19-72.
- Kuzmin, S. L. & C. K. Dodd Jr. (2014): Changes in Amphibian Populations in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Georgia (Part of the Former Soviet Union). – pp. 1-19 in: Heatwole, H. & I. Das (Eds.): Conservation Biology of Amphibians of Asia. Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Eastern Hemisphere. – Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd., Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. [Volume 11, Part 1 of Amphibian Biology]
- Kuzmin, S. L., Dodd., C. K. Jr. & M. M. Pikulik (Eds.) (1995): Amphibian Populations in the Commonwelth of Independent States: current status and declines. – Pensoft Publishers, Moscow, 159 p. [on behalf of IUCN (The World Conservation Union), Species Survival Commission, Declining Amphibian Populations Task
Force, Regional Group for the Commonwealth of Independent States]. - Leontyeva, O. A. & D. V. Semenov (1998): Status of Herpetofauna in Moscow. – pp. 269-275 in: Miaud, C. & R. Guyetant (Eds.): Current Studies in Herpetology. – Proceedings of the 9th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, 25-29 August 1998, Chambéry, France. – SEH & Societé Herpétologique de France (SHF), Paris, & Université de Savoie, Chambéry, & the cities of Le Bourget du Lac and Chambéry, Le Bourget du Lac.
- Mazanaeva, L. F., Askenderov, A. D. & Z. S. Sultanova (2011): Fauna of Reptiles of dry southwest foothills of Dagestan and perspectives for conservation. – pp. 162-167 in: Ananjeva, N. B., Borkin, L. J., Danilov, I. G., Doronin, I. V., Dunayev, E. A., Ischenko, V. G., Korosov, A. V., Kuranova, V. N., Lada, G. A., Litvinchuk, S. N., Orlov, N. L., Orlova, V. F., Zamaletdinov, R. I., Tuniyev, B. S., Khalikov, R. G. & A. Yu. Tsellarius (Eds.): The Problems of Herpetology. – Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the Nikolsky Herpetological Society 12-17 October 2009, Kazan. – Saint-Petersburg (in Russisch mit Englischer Summary).
- Orlov, N. L. & N. B. Ananjeva (1995): Distribution of Amphibians and Reptiles and their relict populations in the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga. – Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 71: 109-112.
- Pestov, M. V., Mannapova, E. I., Ushakov, V. A., Katunov, D. P., Bakka, S. V., Lebedinski, A. A. & L. V. Turutina (2001): Amphibians and Reptiles of the Nizhegorodsk Region. – EcoCenter „Dront“, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 178 p. (in Russisch).
- Ruchin, M., Ryzhov, K., Lukiyanov, S. & O. Artaev (2005): Amphibians and Reptiles in the city: Species composition, distribution, abundance, and habitats (a case study from the city Saransk). – Povolzhoiski Ekologicheskyi Journal, 1: 47-59. (in Russisch).
- Rutschin, A. B. & M. K. Ryschov (2006): Amphibien und Reptilien Mordwiniens: Artenvielfalt, Verbreitung, Häufigkeit. – Universität Mordwinien, Saransk, 159 p. (in Russisch).
- čerbak, N.N. (2003): Guide to the Reptiles of the Eastern Palearctic. – Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, 260 p.
- Visotin, A. G. & M. F. Tertyshnikov (1988): Amphibians of Stavropol District. – pp. 87-121 in: Tertishnikov, M. V. (Ed.): Animals of Northern Caucasus and Adjacent Territories. – Stavropol Pedagogical Institute Publishers, Stavropol (in Russisch).

Lebensraum von Ommatotriton ophryticus ophryticus, Umgebung des Dorfes Perevalka im nordöstlichen-Kaukasus (Flusstal des Malaja Laba), Mostovskij rajon, Krasnodarski kraj, Juschny federalny okrug, ohne Aufnahmedatum, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Ommatotriton ophryticus ophryticus, Männchen in Wassertracht, Umgebung des Dorfes Perevalka im nordöstlichen Kaukasus (Flusstal des Malaja Laba), Mostovskij rajon, Krasnodarski kraj, Juschny federalny okrug, 04.05.2008, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Lebensraum Pelobates fuscus vespertinus, Naturreservat Naurzum südlich von Qostanai, Qostanai oblast, Republik Kasachstan, Mai 2009, Foto: T. Pröhl (www.fokus-natur.de).

Pelobates fuscus vespertinus, Naturreservat Naurzum südlich von Qostanai, Qostanai oblast, Republik Kasachstan, Mai 2009, Foto: T. Pröhl (www.fokus-natur.de).

Pelodytes caucasicus aus dem nordöstlichen Kaukasus, Krasnodarski kraj, Juschny federalny okrug, 05.08.2008, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Lebensraum Bufotes viridis sitibundus, Umgebung des Dorfes Leninakent, Karabudakhkentski rajon, Respublika Dagestan, Severo-Kawkaskij federalny okrug, 08.05.2010, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Bufotes viridis sitibundus, Männchen, Umgebung des Dorfes Leninakent, Karabudakhkentski rajon, Respublika Dagestan, Severo-Kawkaskij federalny okrug, 14.05.2010, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Bufo verrucosissimus verrucosissimus, Umgebung des Dorfes Guseripl im nordwestlichen Kaukasus, Krasnodarski kraj, Juschny federalny okrug, 28.04.2008, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Bufo verrucosissimus verrucosissimus, Umgebung des Dorfes Shepsi im nordwestlichen Kaukasus, Krasnodarski kraj, Juschny federalny okrug, 05.05.2008, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Lebensraum Rana macrocnemis in der Umgebung der Stadt Apsheronsk im Nord-Kaukasus, Apsheronski rajon, Krasnodarski kraj, Juschny federalny okrug, 26.04.2008, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Rana macrocnemis, Umgebung der Stadt Apsheronsk im Nord-Kaukasus, Apsheronski rajon, Krasnodarski kraj, Juschny federalny okrug, 06.05.2008, Foto: Y. Pysanets.

Lebensraum von Phrynocephalus guttatus, Urda (Orda), Batys Quasaqstan oblysy, Republik Kasachstan, 25.05.2012, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Phrynocephalus guttatus, Urda (Orda), Batys Quasaqstan oblysy, Republik Kasachstan, 25.05.2012, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Lebensraum von Phrynocephalus helioscopus, Inder See, südöstlich Inderbor, Atyrau oblysy, Republik Kasachstan, 1.06.2012, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Phrynocephalus helioscopus, Inder See, südöstlich Inderbor, Atyrau oblysy, Republik Kasachstan, 1.06.2012, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Lebensraum von Phrynocephalus mystaceus, Umgebung Asan, Atyrau oblysy, Republik Kasachstan, 24.05.2012, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Phrynocephalus mystaceus, Drohverhalten, Umgebung von Dosang, Krasnojarski rajon, Astrachanskaja oblast, Juschny federalny okrug, 29.05.2004, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Phrynocephalus mustaceus, Männchen, Umgebung Asan, Atyrau oblysy, Republik Kasachstan, 24.05.2012, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Lebensraum von Alsophylax pipiens – im Hintergrund der ca. 200 m hohe Hügel Bolschoje Bogdo, Astrachanskaja oblast, Juschny federalny okrug, 29.05.2004, Foto: S. N. Litvinchuk.

Alsophylax pipiens am Bolschoje Bogdo, Achtubinski rajon, Astrachanskaja oblast, Juschny federalny okrug, 29.05.2004, Foto: D. V. Skorinov.

Lebensraum Vipera renardi renardi, Naturreservat Naurzum südlich von Qostanai, Qostanai oblysy, Republik Kasachstan, Mai 2009, Foto: T. Pröhl (www.fokus-natur.de).

Vipera renardi renardi, Naturreservat Naurzum südlich von Qostanai, Qostanai oblysy, Republik Kasachstan, Mai 2009, Foto: T. Pröhl (www.fokus-natur.de).

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